MOTOVERSE is a Web3 lifestyle app with inbuilt Game-Fi and Social-Fi elements

MOTOVERSE is built around an essential daily activity for most people – driving around. We are the first project to effectively bring to life a functioning drive-to-earn concept, selected by IESPA (Indonesia E-Sport Association) to become official partner, and chosen by G20 Digital Working Economic Group (DWEG) in Presidential Meeting Summit on 13th-17th November 2022 to represent Indonesia Metaverse Digital World called “MOTOTOWN”. MOTOTOWN is selected by 2020 G20 Digital Technology Showcase to become the Metaverse host alongside with unicorn and decacorn company across the world.

MOTOVERSE connects both digital and real world. Users equip themselves with NFTs in the form of Vehicle. By driving, users will earn game currency, which can either be used in-game, or cashed out for profit.

With Game-Fi, MOTOVERSE aims to nudge millions toward a productive lifestyle, the traditional pay-to-travel will become travel-to-earn and connect the public to Web 3.0, all while simultaneously hinging on it’s Social-Fi aspect to build a long-lasting platform fostering user generated Web 3.0 content.

Note: MOTOVERSE is currently under Public Beta Phase, so contents in the Whitepaper could be changed in the future.


Game Token: $MILE

Governance Token: $MOTO

Last updated