
NFT-Minting Event (NME) is when users use 2 NFTs they own as a blueprint to “breed”, producing a NFT-box in the process. For reference, the 2 NFTs will be called Vintages (Parents). Both Vintages need to be in the user’s possession (not under lease) and when the durability of a NFT is less than 60, the NFT cannot mint.

Users can then select an NFT, by heading to the Mint tab, choosing the NFT to “breed” with, and pressing Mint to proceed. The user will instantly receive an NFT-box that can be opened immediately.

Users can perform a maximum of 7 NMEs per NFT. The higher NME count a NFT has, the more MILE/MOTO it will cost. NFT-Minting costs for each Vintage is calculated separately and added together for the final Minting cost.

NFT-Minting has a 72-hour cool down for both Vintages – NFTs can still be used for movement.

The first two NFT-Minting costs the same. NFT-Minting has a chance to drop one extra NFT-box. The higher the Mint count, the higher the chance to drop multiple NFT-boxes.

The cost of NFT-minting will be changed from time to time to balance the supply and demand of both MILE and MOTO.

NFT-box Quality is determined by the Vintage NFT's Quality:

Users will get a new NFT once they open the NFT-box, with the NFT Quality determined by the NFT-box Quality:

The new NFT type is determined by the two Vintage NFT types:

The new NFT's Socket type is determined by two Vintage NFTs' Socket types:

NFT-Minting Variation

NFT Attributes are randomized according to their quality, regardless of their Vintage’s Attributes.

Last updated